Showing all 4 results
We will not be republishing.
As long as this website is up, we have plenty of books available (thousands, in fact!)
As a number of the visitors to this website were informed of it by Catherine Austin Fitts, of Solari Report, we’ve had quite a few asking about sending a check or MO instead of using PayPal, although PayPal does process credit/debit cards without an account – that is completely A-OK by us! Please scroll down for the pricing chart and mailing information.
This is a big book: 325,000 words, 560 pages, 8.5 x 11. It is also beautifully illustrated with seventeen color paintings and more than a hundred grey-scale and black and white paintings by a brilliant young Boston artist, Corey Smigliani.
DISCLAIMER: Due to the books having been in storage for quite a while and have gone through at least two major transports, some discounted softcovers are available due to torn or missing protective shrink-wrap. All books are priced at half the retail price unless otherwise indicated on the Specials page.
Softcover ISBN: 0965993035, shrink-wrapped
CD: ISBN 978-1-929837-01-4, The Audio CD contains .wav files and can only be played on your computer, not an MP3 player.
Please DO NOT use the “ADD TO CART” info below.
Proceed to the Cart page for ordering. Refer to the notice below regarding non-USA orders.
Specials: based on availability, click here.
ORDERING BY MAIL: If you order your books by mail, please use the chart shown below for the S&H, add the cost of the book(s), and pay by Money Order or check. Use the address given, and bear with us while we process your MO/check as quickly as possible to get your book(s) sent right away.
# of Books | S&H | # of CDs | S&H |
1 | $12.00 | 1 | $6.00 |
2 | $16.00 | 2 | $8.00 |
3 | $19.00 | 3 | $10.00 |
4 | $22.00 | ||
5 | $25.00 |
For questions, or ordering more than five books, or 3 CDs, please email us
Send a Money Order/Check, Payable to:
Don DeLong
5617 E. Calle Silvosa
Tucson, AZ 85711
Please include a legible note with your name, address, and email address. As soon your order is mailed, we will inform you promptly by email, with the USPS tracking number.
For orders outside of the United States:
Unfortunately, there is no media mail postage available outside the Continental United States, and therefore is rather expensive.
Please contact us at We will need your full address so the Post Office can give us an accurate cost. Be sure to indicate whether you’re ordering the Softcover, Audio CD or special-priced Softcover. Send us an email and after we’ve consulted with the Post Office, we will generate a PayPal invoice. Make the payment through the invoice, and the order will be processed and shipped. The final Shipping fee will include approximately 15% of the USPS postage to help cover handling, materials, etc. Please know that there is very little/no profit margin; we are trying to help keep your costs down if we can.
NOTE: Sending the Audio CD, only, to areas outside of the US less expensive – between $40-$50 USD, total cost. The CD includes an audio of the author, Carla Emery DeLong, reading each chapter, which you can select by file. It also includes the PDF of the book which can be read along with the audio, or on its own. The files are .wav files and can only be played on the computer. Acrobat Reader 3.0 and above required; file software included. Please contact us for an Invoice.
Thank you!
The links below are for information purposes only…please order from the Cart page.

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