MK ULTRA and mind control have been getting talked about a lot lately.
Welcome to the official website for Secret, Don’t Tell. (Formerly
You will find many sellers of ‘new’ and used copies on numerous websites, and the books are so overpriced! I don’t know where they are getting their ‘new’ books, as I hold all the copyright and publishing rights to it. Our paperbacks are all shrink-wrapped. We own Acorn Hill Publishing and have approximately 5,000 copies on site. We have so many in our inventory…and WE ARE CURRENTLY LIQUIDATING (embedded page link)…at much discounted prices! If anyone is interested in purchasing in bulk to resell, feel free to contact me at
ATTN: Librarians…if you are interested in acquiring one of our hardcover books for your inventory, please contact us at We will provide one for S&H costs only, by invoice.
When Carla completed writing this book, we searched for a publisher…but no one was willing because after reviewing the content, they were fearful of government repercussions. So, we developed Acorn Hill Publishing and did it ourselves.
My current wife and I hope you will read a number of excerpts we’ve included at the bottom of the History page of this website, and realize how the effects of improperly used hypnotism can be the root of long lasting, and sometimes damaging or lethal, behavioral problems. Some of the case histories include the audio segment from our Audio CD.
If this information has peaked your interest, please order the book and read for yourself what people have experienced and continue to experience. Maybe it’ll explain a few things you are curious about but didn’t want to ask for fear of sounding a bit crazy.
Shop now!
Thank you for your visit.
Don DeLong

Carla Emery DeLong (January 19, 1939 ~ October 11, 2005)
Mind control by any name is evil. From so called “hypnotic therapists” to governments using mind control to enforce security agreements to politicians using NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) to nightclub pickup artists putting helpless young women in “trance”, hypnotism is a clear and present danger to every freedom loving man and woman.
From corrupt therapists to unethical researchers to secretive government agencies, Svengalis have victimized the unsuspecting and the imprudent. SECRET, DON’T TELL is a good read about this too-long closed subject, exposing the darker side of hypnotism throughout history – a world where real-life Svengalis abuse their hapless Trilbys.
Born from the author’s own painful experience with unethical hypnosis, SECRET, DON’T TELL is the product of over a decade of interviews and diligent scholarly research. It is a true encyclopedia in the field of hypnosis and modern mind-control technologies, indispensable for anyone interested in trance phenomena, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, counseling, or related fields of law.
Yet Carla Emery’s writing is far from stuffy or academic. This book is intensely readable, with the pace of an excellent suspense novel. It is both compelling and terrifying – and every word is true.
Thank you for choosing to spend time with this book. I send my love and all I’ve learned. May every sleeper hear this call to wake and tear the wall of silence down!
Yes, you! It is not just hypnotic subjects who sleep. Ignorance and apathy have lulled so many into somnolence. So this book is for general readers who want to be well informed. Knowing real facts about hypnosis will help you make wiser choices. It is also for those courageous individuals who are trained in hypnosis and who believe truth and justice are more important than professional solidarity, lobbying postures, income protection—even personal safety. And it is for legal specialists who may some day use this information in court to fight for justice.
Especially, this book is for all survivors of abusive hypnosis: past, present, and future. May every sleeper who yearns to wake and struggle toward freedom of mind find the courage to seek help in that waking and the blessing of achieving it.
I ask your help to make sure this book—and the information it contains— remains available to the public. You may reprint portions of it, including illustrations, as part of a review or discussion, or in the form of a newsletter or magazine article, so long as you include the book’s title, author’s name, and where it may be purchased—and make no text changes. All other rights reserved.
John Dennis Weidler
I had the pleasure of working with Carla over 20 years ago when she recorded an audio version of this work in my studio in Kalamazoo, Michigan.
Best regards
Dennis Weidler
Now in Homer, Alaska
Thank you for the comment, Dennis! We are now once again making the audio version available. Thank you!
Don and Pam
Dwight Hood
I have the book but my eyes are going bad and am trying to learn more about the audio version. I’m retired from law enforcement after 37 years and have shared information from her book to many of my friends and family.
Dwight, sorry we didn’t see your comment earlier. You can order the audio from this website, in the Cart page:
It’s $22 plus $5 S&H.
Thank you.
Don and Pam
Andrew F Strasser
One of the best reads. It changed my life in so many ways. The knowledge shared about Dissociative Identity Disorder helped a lot of my subjects to deal with their inner selves.. I can’t begin to explain how life changing this book and idealism has been for me and many others. I have owned the book 4 times and have passed it on each time I replaced it.
Michelle Le Beau
Recently, had a therapist insist on trying EMDR on me. I showed her proof it was a bogus and dangerous form of manipulation on the part of the therapist, and I would not be hypnotized by anyone!! EVER…. She was affronted but stop asking me about it. I have a much better therapist now. Thank-you for getting the word out on the dangers of mind control.
Thank you very much!
God bless your day, and may you be a blessing to Him!
Blessed Believer
I’ve added you to my resource page on hypnotic abuse and mind control. I’ve also referenced this book in many of my articles on covert mind control. Very thankful to all who contributed in getting this circulated.
Thank you for your efforts to help those that have been under this un-natural control. God bless you, and yours!
Probably the most mindblowing and revelatory book I’ve ever read. A major, major contribution; a major, major accomplishment; an extremely significant piece of the puzzle of just what in heaven’s name has been going on worldwide in the post-WW2 period, with enough suggestions and threads (and importantly, and often not explicitly mentioned, meticulous CITATIONS) to follow the rabbit hole back potentially several millennia (ie. Carla’s Timeline and Edmonston). Carla seems to conclude, you have to believe in something: why not believe in something capital-g Good? Head and shoulders above the only other book-length study on the topic – Temple’s Open to Suggestion – I am familiar with (although admittedly, haven’t been able to source a reasonably priced copy of the Mind Manipulators). Very relieved to see you folks are back up and operating, despite some (presumed) issues with WordPress. Please continue to keep this website up and shipping until you are physically no longer able or (better yet) sell out! God bless!
Thank you, Terry! Please feel free to add your comments to other sites that allow reviews, and even claim to sell our book, directing them to this website. Yes, we have had some WordPress issues recently, and are still working on getting things straightened out. While we pray for an eventual sell-out of the printed books, we will continue to produce the Audio CDs as long as we’re able. Thank you, again, for your comments! God bless your day, and may you be a blessing to Him!
Hi, is it too late to get a copy? I notice the posts here go up to 2020. I sent an email a few days ago enquiring about
postage costs to the UK, so I am just checking. Many thanks.
Hi Malcolm,
I just noticed your comment on our website…sorry I didn’t see it earlier.
As long as the website is up, we have plenty of books available (thousands, in fact!)
I’ve acquired your email from your comment and have sent you a reply through our email,
Seeing if books were still available
As a lifelong fan of Carla’s, bought her book in the late 80s, I am pleased to find she kept on after her marraige-trauma AND produced another stellar work! I was sad when I learned she died in 05 but what a legacy she left. I travel with kids & sleep in cars becuz of her, bless her! Tenacity is both our middle names 🙂
Yes! We have thousands! As long as this website is up, there are books available. If you are outside of the US, you’ll need to email us for a shipping quote.
Hélène… Thank you for your comments…sorry we didn’t see them earlier! May God bless you and yours in these trying times and challenges!
Lanie Doerr, LPC
I read this book the first time when I was in my 20’s. My dad had discovered it and recommended it to me. As a child, I had undergone hypnotism to help correct a tongue-thrusting problem, & my mother took me to the hypnotist that our dentist recommended. I remember it as a neutral to pleasant experience – listening to a taped recording while I lay on a comfortable sofa. I am now a Licensed Professional Counselor and am appalled that there is a “branch of mental health treatment” that uses hypnosis. This seems like using a sawmill to cut off a weird looking mole. I am particularly grateful to Carla for her well-researched & written book.
Thank you for your comments, Lanie, and some of your experience! If you are interested, we are currently having a Year-End-Sale – books are $5 each instead of $15, plus S&H; share a book with someone. God bless you and your family in the New Year to come!